Do you know how your sales will be in the next year?Any establishment that works with the sale of products has several concerns, such as the place where it will work, how to attract…Aug 6, 2023Aug 6, 2023
Can cloud be better than local?In the last few years, we have seen the trend of increasing the size of the data set, often linked to the increase in the different types…Mar 11, 2023Mar 11, 2023
Need help with the model? Call automationA data science project has some steps before we can says: look I practically have a superpower because I can predict this event. But, for…Feb 26, 2023Feb 26, 2023
Churn Analysis: Are You a Leaving Customer?Have you ever asked yourself why, for no apparent reason, you received an email/sms with a discount or a free period, from a service you…Feb 18, 20231Feb 18, 20231
Correlation vs CausalityHave you ever wondered, how would it be possible to predict something someone will do? Of course, predicting the action of a single…Jan 15, 2023Jan 15, 2023
A credit card fraud analisysIt is a Saturday night you are at home searching something and you see and advertise in your bronwser: a cool gamer chair, soccer boot, kit…Dec 11, 2022Dec 11, 2022
A Brief Overview of COVIDAlmost 2 years ago, the world was knowing the reason to a new pandemic, and was called COVID-19. The new variation of the virus spread…Oct 30, 2022Oct 30, 2022
What are the best places to rent in Montreal ? (Airbnb)The city that already recevied the tilte of Design City by UNESCO, Montreal in Canada is known by this title because of your beautfully…Oct 11, 2022Oct 11, 2022
Localizando objetos com algorítimoUma das utilidades que a evolução na obtenção de imagens de satélite trouxe, foi a possibilidade de reconhecer e monitorar objetos sem a…Aug 8, 2022Aug 8, 2022
A característica de uma varíavelUma linguagem de programação serve para que possamos fazer com que uma máquina, nesse caso um computador, realize uma determinada atividade…Mar 2, 2022Mar 2, 2022